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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fulfilment time on orders?

The fulfilment time will depend on whether your item is in stock or not.

If the item is in stock fulfilment will take around 7 working to most locations worldwide.

If the part/s need to be made, production usually takes around 10 working days and then delivery will take around another 5 working days.

You can contact us to check if the part/s are in stock.

What are the delivery fees?

For orders in the UK and EU, you get free delivery on orders over £1000.

For orders to all other countries you will receive free delivery on orders over £2000.

For all orders below these threshold amounts, your delivery fee will be calculated at the check out

Oversized parcels for products like bonnets and bumpers will be sent via sea, they will have a flat rate of £70 for all destinations.

Are there any additional fees?

You may also potentially get charged import fees for your orders.

the rate at which these fees are calculated vary from country to country. You should be able to find the relevant information on your government website.